Mr. Samuel Jordan "Sam" Cowan Jr.Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Samuel Jordan "Sam" Cowan Jr., age 72, died Wednesday at the Bethany Home in Millen. Mr. Jay Edward "Ed" DuranThomas C. Strickland & Sons Funeral Homes, West Chatham Chapel POOLER -- Mr. Jay Edward "Ed" Duran, 68, passed away on Thursday, February 26, 2015, at Memorial Health University Medical Center. Mrs. Melba Williams MangrumJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory STATESBORO, Georgia -- Mrs. Melba Williams Mangrum, age 78, died Thursday, February 26, 2015, at the East Georgia Regional Medical Center in Statesboro.
February 28 - Mr. Samuel Jordan Sam Cowan Jr., age 72, died Wednesday at the Bethany Home in Mille

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