Edna NolinHodges-Moore Funeral Home Edna Nolin, 88, died Sunday, December 7, 2014, at Eagle Health and Rehabilitation Center under the care of Ogeechee Area Hospice. Mr. Hamilton StewartHill’s Mortuary STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Hamilton Stewart, age 53, passed into eternal rest on Thursday, December 4, 2014, at the Georgia Regents Medical Center in Augusta, Ga. David Ila WilmothHodges-Moore Funeral Home David Ila Wilmoth, 54, passed away to be with the Lord on Saturday, December 6, 2014, at his residence. To view the full obituary, click on this link:http://www.legacy.com/StatesboroHerald/DeathNotices.asp
December 9 - Edna Nolin, 88, died Sunday, December 7, 2014, at Eagle Health and Rehabilitation Cente

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