Saturday night, crowds of people will be dancing in the streets of Brooklet after enjoying the day at the 22nd Annual Peanut Festival.The festival, organized each year by members of the Brooklet Community Development Association, will be held this Saturday from 7 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. in downtown Brooklet. To kick start the event, people will be up and running at 7 a.m. as the 5K Peanut Run/Walk gets underway. Then, at 10 a.m., a parade through downtown Brooklet will showcase dozens of entries, including each of the Brooklet Peanut Princesses crowned at the Brooklet Peanut Festival Pageant held on Aug. 6.The parade also will include a number of antique tractors, many of which will enter the Slow Tractor Race.
Goobers galore in Brooklet on Saturday
Brooklet readies for 22nd annual Peanut Festival

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