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Police Report - August 8
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    (Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies.  Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.)

Statesboro Police Arrests     
    Gloria Parrish, 42, Halcyondale Road, Sylvania — wanted person.
    Larry Mincey, 51, Mikell Street — wanted person.
    Melissa Garges Armstrong, 38, College Boulevard — possession/use of a drug related object, battery.
    Tony Anthony Johnson, 41, Acorn Lane — battery, third degree cruelty to children.
    Michael Eugene Harris, 23, Lanier Drive — simple battery, third offense cruelty to children, criminal trespass.
    Ruben A. Perez, 23, Ga. 67  — DUI, speeding.
    Stanley Mitchell Smith, 38, Ogeechee Drive — passing a stationary emergency vehicle, DUI.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests    
    Barbara Sanders Maharrey, 52, Sid Sanders Place — probation violation.
    Mark Anthony Watts, 45, Ga. 24 — manufacturing marijuana, possession of marijuana.
    Justin Craig Anderson, 19, Beasley Road — DUI under 21, failure to maintain lane.
    Joshua Uriah Wilson, 17, Memory Lane, Register — battery, criminal trespass, underage possession of alcohol.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
    Troopers issued five traffic violation citations Wednesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
      No arrests filed.
Statesboro Police Incidents    
     RJ POPE — A woman shoplifted a pink polo shirt.
    JOHNSON STREET — Witnesses told police they saw a woman in a dress, with long, curly hair, shatter a car windshield with a baseball bat.
    BLAKEWOODS APARTMENTS — Police responding to a report of shots fired spoke with a man who said he was "jumped" by a large group of males.
    RUE 21 — Employees recovered a selection of clothing a shoplifter left the store without paying for, but the offender escaped.
    EAST GRADY STREET — A woman said another woman struck her in the face with her fist.
    PARK PLACE APARTMENTS — A resident reported a break-in where someone stole seven bags of clothing and seven pairs of shoes.
    BERMUDA RUN APARTMENTS — A man called police because he "didn't appreciate" his roommate moving the couch without the complainant's permission.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents    
    SEE PINES APARTMENTS — (Statesboro) A man reported the theft of two central air conditioning units.
    CASSIE REE ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman reported a burglary, listing three TVs, Play Station II and games, DVD player with several DVDs, and a laptop computer taken.
    SINKHOLE ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman called deputies during a domestic disturbance but the man with whom she had an argument left before deputies arrived.
    PONDEROSA ROAD — (Portal) A woman said someone called and hung up on her, then she heard something outside. She grabbed her pistol and called law enforcement, but when deputies arrived they saw no one.
    KENNEDY BRIDGE ROAD — (Register) A woman said someone stole a chain saw from her property.
    COWBOY WAY  —  (Portal) Someone flagged down a deputy and said  there was a fight in the roadway. A woman told the deputy another person tried to run her juvenile son over with a four-wheeler. The juvenile said he had been arguing for days with the offender, who ran over his foot that day with the four-wheeler.
     While speaking with him deputies noticed the odor of alcohol and asked the juvenile if he had been drinking. The kid said he was " a Christian and did not drink," but when deputies tested his breath, he tested positive for alcohol and was charged with underage drinking.
    Further investigation led to questioning the alleged offender, who said the juvenile had pointed a paint ball gun at him. He said he drove  the four-wheeler towards him to scare him, and he was charged with reckless conduct.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents    
    Troopers issued nine warnings, assisted one motorist and investigated one crash with no reported injuries Wednesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
    Officers issued one traffic warning and assisted one motorist Wednesday.          

911  Law Enforcement Reports

    Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
    Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 11 calls.
    Statesboro Police Department — 18 calls.
    Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — one call.
    Candler County Sheriff's Department — seven calls.
    Claxton Police Department — one call.
    Brooklet Police Department — one call.
    Evans County Sheriff's Department — two calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
    Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
    Statesboro Fire Department — one call.
    Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters — two calls.
911 EMS Reports
    Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Wednesday:
    Bulloch County EMS — 10 medical calls.   
    Candler County EMS — six  medical calls.  
    Evans County EMS — three  medical calls.    
    Central 911 operators also routed two calls to Bulloch County First responders, two calls to Bryan County 911, a call to Bulloch Humane Enforcement, a call to Georgia Forestry Commission, a call to the Candler County Coroner's office, a call to Savannah-Chatham County Metro Police, and a call to Emanuel County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
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