After hearing arguments in support of and against a proposed agritourism farm featuring berries, bee hives and production of mead made from honey, Bulloch County Commissioners unanimously denied a man’s request Tuesday for a zoning change to allow the business to operate. Three couples – Eric and Debbie Van Otteren, their son and daughter-in-law Zach and Brooke Van Otteren and friends Wes and Ashley Vanmeter, acting together as limited-liability company Woonerf LLC, sought approval to build Five Hives & Vines on a 26.78 acre parcel that was once part of the former Smithfield Golf Course on Hwy. 46 and Kennedy Pond. However, several people affiliated with two adjacent charities – Fostering Bulloch and Seven Mile Farm, also situated on land that was once part of the golf course – opposed the idea.
County denies zoning change
Commissioners halt plans for meadery after hearing protests

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