Directors and shareholders recently promoted Kevin A. Harrison, president of Citizens Bank of Bulloch County, to the bank's Washington County Board of Directors during their 49th Annual Meeting. Last hosted in Statesboro in 2012, the event took place in Sandersville in March.
In addition to his role as Bulloch County's president, Harrison's new appointment follows his advancement to executive vice president of Citizens Bank Washington County just less than a year ago.
In his current position he executes lending, personnel and strategic decisions for the bank in its entirety. He will join local businessman Bill Howard on the Citizens Bank Washington County board, offering his knowledge and relevance in all markets.
The retirement of long time Chief Executive Officer Larry Mathis presented the opportunity to add more responsibility to Harrison's position with the organization.
The newly appointed CEO David Brooker will fill the position vacated by Mathis.
"Kevin has shown true leadership as president and I am very proud of all the accomplishments that he and his staff have made in Statesboro and Bulloch County," Brooker said.
Cliff Sheppard, president of Howard Sheppard, Inc and Board chairman saidd, "The positive growth and development we've seen in Bulloch County during the last few years are strong indicators of Kevin's leadership and willingness to guide our efforts to provide excellence to our customers and shareholders."
Harrison has been with the bank since 2007 when he was hired as executive vice president for Bulloch County. He earned a BBA in Finance and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Georgia Southern University. He is affiliated with the local United Way, Boys and Girls Club and an alumnus of Leadership Bulloch. He is a member of the Coastal Conservation Association, Rotary Club of Statesboro and attends Statesboro First United Methodist Church with his family.
Harrison is married to the former Mary Helen Aaron of Sylvania. They are parents to son Davis and daughter Brynn.
Citizens Bank president Harrison earns promotion

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