Bulloch County 4-H’ers attended State Congress in Atlanta on July 19-22 and returned home with high honors. The 4-H State Congress brings students from all over Georgia together to compete in Project Achievement areas at the state level.
After a first place achievement at State Congress, a student is considered a “Master” 4-H’er. Mastering in a project area is the ultimate goal for all 4-H’ers participating in Project Achievement. Through project achievement, 4-H’ers gain public speaking skills, resume building skills and interview skills by presenting a portfolio of accomplishments and a demonstration based on their project area.
The 2011 State Congress was held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta with the announcement of winners being held in the Crystal Pistol at Six Flags over Georgia. Bulloch County was proud to bring home one Master 4-H’er, Charity Greene in Target Sports. Charity is the daughter of Carl and Sophie Greene of Statesboro.
By becoming a Master 4-H’er, Charity earned a trip to National Congress this fall. This trip is sponsored by Callaway Foundation who supports the Target Sports project in Georgia. Others who earned the chance to compete at state include: Knapp Buddiford, a student at Southeast Bulloch High who placed second in Plant and Soil Science; Jarrett Cartee, a student at Statesboro High placed fourth in the Horse Project and Mary Catherine Cromely, who also attends Southeast Bulloch High placed fourth in Public Speaking. While at State 4-H Congress these youth were able to go on several educational tours including: The Georgia Department of Agriculture, the State Capitol Building, and the Pike Family Nurseries.
The state winning Bulloch County 4-H Archery Senior Compound Team was also recognized at State Congress. Walter Blitch, Sawyer Davis, Jonathan Hall, and Jacob Hendrix were named Master 4-H’ers at the State 4-H Annual Banquet on Thursday evening.
This was Blitch’s second time mastering in shooting sports events, making him a Double Master 4-H’er. Attending State Congress with the 4-H’ers was County Extension Agent, Lee Anna Deal and Bulloch County 4-H Archery Coach, Carl Greene. For more information about Bulloch County 4-H, contact the Bulloch County Extension Office at (912) 871-6130.
Bulloch County 4-Hers win state honors

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