The Portal community invites the public to “A Day for Hope,” a fund raiser to help one of the town’s residents who faces challenges due to health issues.The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15 at the E.C. Carter Turpentine Still site in Portal.Hope Bolton is known for her sunny smile and friendly professionalism as she greets customers at Lanier’s IGA and Pepperjack’s Deli, but a recent illness kept her from work for a period of time as she was hospitalized for several days.A problem with blood platelets and a blood infection meant Bolton was unable to work. She is the mother of a young son and also cares for a disabled brother. The fund raiser is to help her with medical expenses as well as recover from earnings lost during her hospitalization, according to Stacy Bunch, one of the event organizers and Bolton’s sister.“Hope is more of an asset to the community and a great asset to the store,” said Joey Lanier, whose family owns Lanier’s IGA grocery.
Benefit set for Portal resident

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