The last eight columns featured various possibilities for declarer when playing from the dummy at the first trick. Here is a final example — for now!
You are in three no-trump. West, in answer to his partner's overcall, leads the heart eight. What would be your plan?
You have seven top tricks: three spades, one heart (given the lead) and three clubs. You will have to plug away at the diamonds. If East has both the ace and king of diamonds, you are historical; East will collect three hearts and two diamonds before you can get home. So, assume West has a diamond honor.
If you play the heart two from dummy, East will go low with an encouraging seven. If you duck from your hand, West will continue with the heart three, leaving you with no chance. Or if you win with your heart king, then, when West gets in with his diamond king, he will push his remaining heart through dummy's queen-10. The result? Down two.
If you try dummy's 10 at trick one, East will cover with his jack, with the same result — defeat.
Now try calling for dummy's queen. East wins with his ace, but then what?
If East continues hearts, he gives you two tricks in the suit; and when West wins a trick with his diamond king, he will not have a heart left to lead. If East shifts to another suit, you can attack diamonds, knocking out East's entry before his suit is established.
Agreed, it is lucky that East has a singleton diamond ace, so that you can drive out his entry first, but did you benefit from your good fortune?
You are in three no-trump. West, in answer to his partner's overcall, leads the heart eight. What would be your plan?
You have seven top tricks: three spades, one heart (given the lead) and three clubs. You will have to plug away at the diamonds. If East has both the ace and king of diamonds, you are historical; East will collect three hearts and two diamonds before you can get home. So, assume West has a diamond honor.
If you play the heart two from dummy, East will go low with an encouraging seven. If you duck from your hand, West will continue with the heart three, leaving you with no chance. Or if you win with your heart king, then, when West gets in with his diamond king, he will push his remaining heart through dummy's queen-10. The result? Down two.
If you try dummy's 10 at trick one, East will cover with his jack, with the same result — defeat.
Now try calling for dummy's queen. East wins with his ace, but then what?
If East continues hearts, he gives you two tricks in the suit; and when West wins a trick with his diamond king, he will not have a heart left to lead. If East shifts to another suit, you can attack diamonds, knocking out East's entry before his suit is established.
Agreed, it is lucky that East has a singleton diamond ace, so that you can drive out his entry first, but did you benefit from your good fortune?