DEAR DR. GOTT: I have received information from a friend that you have a theory that spraying nitroglycerin on the hands and feet of a neuropathy patient may be of some help. I'd like to know where I can get this spray.
My husband has peripheral neuropathy. He is not diabetic, and the pain is mild. He needs a cane to keep his balance when walking and is losing function in his hands. In November 2006, he was in the hospital for treatment with massive IV steroids and IV immunoglobulin. Each treatment lasted four hours. Unfortunately, they made him very sick, and he was forced to stop.
We are willing to try anything to improve the function of his hands. Where can I get nitroglycerin spray for him?
DEAR READERS: Nitroglycerin is a prescription medication. Most pharmacies carry it, but without physician approval, you can't buy it. Speak with your husband's neurologist about this option.
He may also wish to try prescription Neurontin, which has been proven useful in lessening the pain of neuropathy.
A final option is Vicks VapoRub or similar store brands. Many of my readers have had amazing success by simply rubbing the product on the affected areas two to three times a day. It is inexpensive, safe, easy, and. best of all, doesn't require a prescription. I recommend your husband give this a try first and move onto the other options should it not work.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "Dr. Gott's Compelling Home Remedies."
DEAR DR. GOTT: My 22-year-old niece has a terrible problem that I'm hoping you can help me with. She has not washed her hair in about a year. It is matted together. She wears it in a ponytail with a scarf over that. No air can get to her scalp at all. She couldn't get a brush through it if she tried. Oh, she has not showered, either! When her mother confronts her about showering and washing her hair, she simply refuses.
Is there anything you can advise us to do? We're really worried.
DEAR READER: Your niece appears to be suffering from a psychological disorder, part of which is a compulsion to refuse help. Aside from the social implications of her condition, there are potential health consequences, such as skin infections and irritations.
I believe that the family should work together in arranging a crisis intervention that will include your niece's physician, family and other concerned people. The goal should be to convince your niece to undergo counseling and accept medical assistance. If she doesn't have a physician, she should select one or understand one will be selected for her. She can then make an appointment for an examination or be made aware, once again, that one will be made for her.
In any event, she needs intervention. This is a difficult problem that should be addressed.
My husband has peripheral neuropathy. He is not diabetic, and the pain is mild. He needs a cane to keep his balance when walking and is losing function in his hands. In November 2006, he was in the hospital for treatment with massive IV steroids and IV immunoglobulin. Each treatment lasted four hours. Unfortunately, they made him very sick, and he was forced to stop.
We are willing to try anything to improve the function of his hands. Where can I get nitroglycerin spray for him?
DEAR READERS: Nitroglycerin is a prescription medication. Most pharmacies carry it, but without physician approval, you can't buy it. Speak with your husband's neurologist about this option.
He may also wish to try prescription Neurontin, which has been proven useful in lessening the pain of neuropathy.
A final option is Vicks VapoRub or similar store brands. Many of my readers have had amazing success by simply rubbing the product on the affected areas two to three times a day. It is inexpensive, safe, easy, and. best of all, doesn't require a prescription. I recommend your husband give this a try first and move onto the other options should it not work.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "Dr. Gott's Compelling Home Remedies."
DEAR DR. GOTT: My 22-year-old niece has a terrible problem that I'm hoping you can help me with. She has not washed her hair in about a year. It is matted together. She wears it in a ponytail with a scarf over that. No air can get to her scalp at all. She couldn't get a brush through it if she tried. Oh, she has not showered, either! When her mother confronts her about showering and washing her hair, she simply refuses.
Is there anything you can advise us to do? We're really worried.
DEAR READER: Your niece appears to be suffering from a psychological disorder, part of which is a compulsion to refuse help. Aside from the social implications of her condition, there are potential health consequences, such as skin infections and irritations.
I believe that the family should work together in arranging a crisis intervention that will include your niece's physician, family and other concerned people. The goal should be to convince your niece to undergo counseling and accept medical assistance. If she doesn't have a physician, she should select one or understand one will be selected for her. She can then make an appointment for an examination or be made aware, once again, that one will be made for her.
In any event, she needs intervention. This is a difficult problem that should be addressed.