Mr. Estes Orvel NealJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home, Screven Chapel Mr. Estes Orvel Neal, 82, passed away on August 7th at Optim Medical Center Screven in Sylvania, Ga. Mr. Angelo J. SpampinatoHodges-Moore Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Angelo J. Spampinato, age 85, passed away Thursday morning at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Center. Mr. Willie Brooks ThompsonCraig R. Tremble Funeral Home, Statesboro Chapel Mr. Willie Brooks Thompson, age 68, passed away peacefully Monday, August 5th, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Center after an extended illness. Allison WoodsAnderson Funeral Home Allison Woods, 30, of Beaufort, S.C., died on Sunday, August 4, 2013.
August 9 - Mr. Estes Orvel Neal, 82, passed away on August 7th at Optim Medical Center Screven in Sy

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