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Hopefuls spar in Boro
McKinney, Smith meet locals, face off at R.J.'s
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His image reflected in a mirror, Carl Smith, background right, waits his turn as Ray McKinney answers an audience question during Thursday evening's debate between the remaining Republican candidates for the 12th U.S. Congressional District at R.J.'s Seafood & Stakes in preparation for Tuesday's run-off election.
Ray McKinney and Carl Smith want to unseat incumbent John Barrow as Georgia’s District 12 representative in Congress, but one of them needs to win the Aug. 10 runoff first. At Bulloch County GOP's monthly meeting held Thursday at R.J.'s Seafood and Steaks, the two Republican candidates faced off in a debate lightly moderated by Bulloch GOP Chair Lawton Sack. Sack set no time limits for the candidate’s answers and allowed them to ask questions of each other, resulting in more direct interaction between the candidates than a more traditional format usually allows.
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