Konnichiwa cracka’s. Hope all is well in readership land — that magical place where nothing is at it seems and all reason takes a back seat to fallacious assumption.
What was I saying?
Ah hai, Msssss. Danica Patrick. While most were slumbering in their beds with thoughts of a male-dominated society dancing in their heads — Danica was out riding circles ‘round the boys in Japan early Sunday morning.
Sure, it wasn’t the Indy or Daytona 500, but a win is a win. At least for now it’ll quiet what’s left of the chauvinistic psychos who sound just as ridiculous as, well, as a fight song during a pitching change.
Sorrowful standings to this point: 10-16.
The magnificent Mr. Mincey
On Saturday, former Statesboro Blue Devil and current Jacksonville Jaguar Jeremy Mincey did something that often gets overlooked in today’s society.
Oftentimes we grasp at the Pacman Jones-esque stories of criminal activity that hang over our beloved NFL stars.
Odds are that Mincey’s philanthropic efforts in throwing a free picnic and celebrity basketball game at Luetta Moore Park will never make the headlines of the national news.
It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it goes. All we can really do at this point is thank Jeremy, a young man who’s worked for everything he has and made the mature choice to start giving some of it back.
Thank you Mr. Mincey — we hope to see you next year.
T to the G
On Tuesday, America’s premiere bike race will zoom through Statesboro during Stage 2 of the Tour de Georgia.
Honestly, all of us here at the Herald are pretty new to this type of event, so bear with us.
One thing I can tell you is that we’ll be all over it, from video to pictures to those scribbly little things you read in the paper.
Mmm... Draft
This weekend the annual over-hyped, way-over-analyzed NFL Draft will take place. Will I watch? Of course.
Primarily for our boys Jayson Foster and Auburn’s Josh Thompson (Statesboro High).
There’s no doubt Jayson was the most exciting and dramatic player at his level in 2007. Now the question becomes will the big shots in the NFL’s front offices ignore the video tape and focus on the measurements, i.e., Mr. Foster is way too small to play with the big boys.
Ray Didinger, producer of NFL films released his Top 5 Draft Sleepers this past week — J. Fos was at No. 5. Didinger said Foster, “has the potential to be the most exciting player out of the bunch.”
This Didinger guy sounds like a genius — and I knows ‘em when I sees ‘em. Foster gets drafted.
What was I saying?
Ah hai, Msssss. Danica Patrick. While most were slumbering in their beds with thoughts of a male-dominated society dancing in their heads — Danica was out riding circles ‘round the boys in Japan early Sunday morning.
Sure, it wasn’t the Indy or Daytona 500, but a win is a win. At least for now it’ll quiet what’s left of the chauvinistic psychos who sound just as ridiculous as, well, as a fight song during a pitching change.
Sorrowful standings to this point: 10-16.
The magnificent Mr. Mincey
On Saturday, former Statesboro Blue Devil and current Jacksonville Jaguar Jeremy Mincey did something that often gets overlooked in today’s society.
Oftentimes we grasp at the Pacman Jones-esque stories of criminal activity that hang over our beloved NFL stars.
Odds are that Mincey’s philanthropic efforts in throwing a free picnic and celebrity basketball game at Luetta Moore Park will never make the headlines of the national news.
It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it goes. All we can really do at this point is thank Jeremy, a young man who’s worked for everything he has and made the mature choice to start giving some of it back.
Thank you Mr. Mincey — we hope to see you next year.
T to the G
On Tuesday, America’s premiere bike race will zoom through Statesboro during Stage 2 of the Tour de Georgia.
Honestly, all of us here at the Herald are pretty new to this type of event, so bear with us.
One thing I can tell you is that we’ll be all over it, from video to pictures to those scribbly little things you read in the paper.
Mmm... Draft
This weekend the annual over-hyped, way-over-analyzed NFL Draft will take place. Will I watch? Of course.
Primarily for our boys Jayson Foster and Auburn’s Josh Thompson (Statesboro High).
There’s no doubt Jayson was the most exciting and dramatic player at his level in 2007. Now the question becomes will the big shots in the NFL’s front offices ignore the video tape and focus on the measurements, i.e., Mr. Foster is way too small to play with the big boys.
Ray Didinger, producer of NFL films released his Top 5 Draft Sleepers this past week — J. Fos was at No. 5. Didinger said Foster, “has the potential to be the most exciting player out of the bunch.”
This Didinger guy sounds like a genius — and I knows ‘em when I sees ‘em. Foster gets drafted.