The annual Meet the Eagles Fan Fest will be held on Friday, Aug. 4 at Allen E. Paulson Stadium. Gates will open at 5 p.m. and the football team will hold an open scrimmage from 6-8 p.m. at Paulson Stadium before the event. The Fan Fest will begin shortly after the scrimmage is completed and will last approximately 90 minutes. The public is invited to the scrimmage and fans will be allowed to come on the field at 8 p.m., or when the scrimmage is over. The North Concourse will be the only side open and fans may enter through Gate 12 near Bishop Field House.
The event is being held in conjunction with the team's first scrimmage. Although it is usually on a Saturday, the team is not practicing that day, thus the event will be on Friday night to combine it with a practice and to have it in milder weather conditions.
The athletics department will have activities on the field after the scrimmage, including inflatables for the kids, 2017 football posters and schedule cards, corn hole, GUS, cheerleaders and autographs and activity stations with all of the fall sport teams. Concessions will be available during the scrimmage and during the Fan Fest. Additionally, the University Store will be open for fans to purchase all of their adidas gear to get ready for the season.
Fans will be allowed to get autographs from their favorite football players and Coach Summers at the festival. In addition, the soccer squads and volleyball team, along with all three respective coaches, will also be in attendance, grouped on the field. Fans can bring in outside items to be signed and posters from each sport will be provided free of charge to those who wish to get one signed. Fans will also be able to mingle with the student-athletes during the autograph session and kids can play catch, kick a ball or pass a volleyball around with the players.
Meet the Eagles Fan Fest is free and open to fans of all ages. Parking is also free.
Guests may also pick up their season ticket packets and Eagle Fund membership benefits at Gate 8 starting at 5 pm. For those who haven't purchased their season tickets, they can do so at the event, as well. The ticket booth will close at the end of the event.
Fans will be able to enter to win door prizes including tickets and seats on the fan bus trip when the Eagles play at Auburn on Sept. 2, Adidas gear, concessions vouchers, pre-game sideline passes, and home football single-game tickets.
The Georgia Southern Women's Clinic will be held on Saturday., Aug. 12. Registration and information can be found at
The Little Eagles Clinic is back and will be held on Saturday, Aug. 5 inside Paulson Stadium, the day after the Meet the Eagles Fan Fest. More information will be released on that event at a later date.
Georgia Southern will take a practice on the road as it heads to Savannah for its third and final scrimmage. The Eagles will head east on I-16 and will practice on the campus of Armstrong State University on Friday, Aug. 18 from 6-8 PM. Following the completion of the scrimmage, the team will hold a fan fest with autographs, inflatables, entertainment and much more. More details will be made available as the event gets closer.
Eagle Fan Fest set