Organizers are hoping to raise more than $5,000 to help offset the medical and funeral expenses of a local 24-year-old newlywed.
Jenny Yarbrough died from a rare form of cancer known as a Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor, or MMMT, less than 14 months after her wedding. This type of cancer is typically found in post-menopausal women and is extremely rare for women of Yarbrough’s age.
Her husband, Kit, is now facing a mountain of bills related to his late wife’s illness.
Kit is the grandson of Dorman and Velera DeLoach of Denmark, and the son of Dona Allmond, an employee of Andron’s Statesboro Glass.
When Mickey Martin, an employee of Investment Housing, heard about the situation, she decided she wanted to do something to try to help. She began organizing a large yard sale, but realized she’d need to do more than that to raise the amount of money she wanted to. So she’s spent the past week contacting local businesses and individuals asking for donations of items to sell and for help advertising for the sale.
“So far we’ve got more than 25 businesses and some generous citizens who have donated items and others who have agreed to advertise for us,” Martin said. She said the overwhelming majority of businesses she’s approached have been very receptive and willing to help, which didn’t come as a surprise to her.
“This community has always been so giving and caring.” She said. “They’ve always come to the aid of people in need and we hope they will do the same in this case.”
The sale is set for Saturday, September 20th from 7 a.m. to noon at Investment Housing Mobile Home Sales located at 816 South Main Street in Statesboro. “We are hoping for a great turnout for this sale. We plan to have free coffee and donuts and will do our best to be sure everyone has a nice experience,” said Edgar Deal, owner of Investment Housing.
Yarbrough’s mother-in-law, Dona Allmond, said she has been overwhelmed by the response. She greatly appreciates the community’s love and support.
Anyone interested in making either a monetary donation or donating items for the yard sale, contact Martin at (912) 681-6713 or (912) 682 9685.
Yard sale proceeds to offset cancer victims medical, funeral costs
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