The Kiwanis Club of Statesboro recently installed the 2017-18 slate of officers and board of directors, with one of their own club members, Jim Campbell, the new Kiwanis Division 17 Lieutenant Governor, leading the induction ceremony.
This year's officers for the club include JD Dunn, president; Alan Tyson, president-elect; Alex Grovenstein, immediate past president; Chris Caplinger, vice president; Bede Mitchell, secretary; and Carl Bird, treasurer. Mitchell and Bird are returning officers for the second and sixth years, respectively, in their positions.
Kiwanis members new to the board include Jim Phelps, Will Sanford, Autry Moore and Tripp Hagan, and they join Ashlee Corbin, Bill Worthington, Cindy Collins, Jamie Copeland and Earl Cashon, already serving on the board of directors.
Immediate Past President Alex Grovenstein told those in attendance that they had to listen to him "just a little longer" as president, and he gave a brief overview of the many accomplishments of the club during the previous year.
Grovenstein pointed out that despite a hurricane last year just prior to the fair and the lights going out during the first night of the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair, their signature event and fundraiser, the weeklong fair ended as a record-year event, enabling the club to give away $150,000 this year to various groups and organizations in the community.
Campbell expressed pride in his home club, praised the club's accomplishments and reminded the new officers of their important roles for the success of the club. Campbell said to Byrd, "As treasurer, you have been elected to an office that demands absolute integrity, as well as financial and accounting skills."
To Mitchell, Campbell said, "In Kiwanis, the club secretary is the master of details. Your role in handling club affairs is essential for the club to run smoothly."
Speaking to Caplinger, Campbell said, "As an officer of the club, you contribute your vision and ideas to your club's leadership team."
Campbell pointed out to Grovenstein that his experience as the most recent club president empowered him to be an essential mentor and colleague for the newly-installed president and a valued adviser on the business of the club.
Campbell advised Tyson with these words during the installation: "As you serve on the board this year, take advantage of opportunities to learn about the president's role, build relationships and plan for your year as president."
Lastly, to Dunn, Campbell said, "You have been elected to the highest office your club can bestow upon you. It is an office of great honor and great responsibilities." Campbell also reminded Dunn that the success of the club depended on his leadership and inspiration and that he would be the face of Kiwanis in the community.
At the time of the installation meeting, Grovenstein told the club members that only 10 days remained until the fair began, which meant, "Every day is a work day between now and the fair." The meeting adjourned with many members heading towards the sign-up table to add their names to lists for various roles and responsibilities during fair week, the busiest week in the entire year for club members.
Statesboro Kiwanis Club installs new officers, board members

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