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Rainy days ahead
Precipitation mostly expected to be beneficial, but high winds, tornadoes and flooding possible
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The High Hazard surf warning flag flies in front of the Atlantic Beach, Fla., Ocean Rescue station was nearly blown away by the winds. Wind, rain and heavy surf hit the area as Tropical Storm Andrea moved into Florida.
Tropical Storm Andrea will mean refreshed cropland and sloppy dirt roads for Bulloch County, but as of Thursday, Bulloch County Public Safety Director Ted Wynn predicted the brunt of the storm would bypass the area. However, in case of high winds and possible tornadoes Thursday night and this morning, Bulloch County public safety and law enforcement officials stood ready for action. “We’ve spoken with (Bulloch County Sheriff) Lynn Anderson and (Statesboro Police Major) Scott Brunson and everyone is prepared,” Wynn said Thursday.
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