Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol arrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol incidents occurring Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office
WESTSIDE ROAD – (Statesboro) A man was caught on video stealing gas from utility vehicles.
GA. 67 & INTERSTATE 16 – (Denmark) A woman said she woke up at her mother’s home after being beaten by her husband and blacking out.
ELDORA ROAD – (Ellabell) A couple who were both drunk argued, and hung up when one dialed 911. A responding deputy discovered the man was wanted and arrested him.
WESTSIDE ROAD – (Statesboro) A man stopped at a woman’s house, acting nervous and claiming someone tried to run him off the road. When the woman told him she called 911 , he fled to his truck and left.
HIGHTOWER ROAD – (Statesboro) A woman replaced wiring in a gutted home, but someone stole the copper wiring.
STILSON LEEFIELD ROAD – (Brooklet) A man reported a boat motor stolen.
NEWTON’S MOBILE HOME PARK – A woman reported two antique bottles stolen.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter
The shelter reported the following activity during the week of Aug. 29-Sept. 4.
Statesboro limits citizens surrender – one dog and six cats.
Bulloch County citizens surrender – four dogs and 11 cats.
Statesboro city limits animal control collection – two dogs and no cats.
Bulloch County animal control collection – 16 dogs and seven cats.
Adopted at shelter –a dog and a cat.
Reclaimed by owners –three dogs.
Died at shelter –four cats.
Euthanized – 17 dogs and 29 cats.
Citations issued – eight.
Fees collected - $190.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report 9-11-11; A man was caught on video stealing gas from utility vehicles.