Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. Arrest photos are available for viewing at
Lawanda Michelle Johnson, 33, Frink Road — wanted person.
Steven C. Nwagbara, 22, Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, Ga. — DUI.
Kenji Jamal Canty, 22, Chandler Road — wanted person.
James Deon Scott, 26, Success Court — public intoxication.
DUNLAP/BUTLER STREETS — A fight broke out when a man came to another person’s home, consumed the person’s food and drink and slapped an elderly person. He later threatened to return with weapons. Officers arrested him on outstanding warrants.
VAN BUREN STREET — A man said a woman slashed two of his car tires.
KENNEDY CONCRETE — Someone broke into the business through a window.
ANDREWS KLEAN KORNER — Someone shattered a glass door and stole $20 in change.
SOUTHERN PALACE — About $20 in change was stolen when someone broke into the business.
LE NAILS — This business was burglarized as well but nothing was reported missing.
AT&T — Like other businesses in this shopping center, someone broke in and rummaged around, yet nothing of value was missing.
EXCHANGE APARTMENTS — Officers responded to a reported domestic dispute.
PACKINGHOUSE ROAD — A woman said a man pushed her.
Arrests will be published Wednesday.
STANFORD DRIVE — (Statesboro) A stray dog bit a man on the thumb.
AKINS CIRCLE — (Statesboro) A woman said she is contesting her father’s will and a man has destroyed her father’s residence.
CEDARWOOD ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK — (Register) Two men argued over ownership of a shop vacuum cleaner.
WOODYARD COURT — (Brooklet) A woman reported a man driving a Mercedes in the neighborhood and acting suspiciously. The man told deputies he was just driving the car to get used to it and said he won the South Carolina lottery and bought the car with his winnings. He was intoxicated, but because deputies did not see him driving, he was not arrested.
WEST BEND ROAD — (Statesboro) A mounted deer head and pictures were reported stolen.
GRETEL’S HUNT — A woman said a man physically attacked her when she didn’t give him enough money to buy cigarettes.
ROBERT L. REED ROAD — (Nevils) A man speeding past someone walking a dog became angry when the person yelled for him to slow down. He threatened to run over the victim and the dog.
Information unavailable Monday.
Officers issued no traffic citations Friday, two Saturday and one Sunday.
FRIDAY — Officers assisted one motorist, responded to one sick-person call, responded to one alarm and investigated three accidents.
SATURDAY — Officers issued 10 traffic warnings, assisted five motorists, responded to three sick-person calls, assisted another agency with a call and investigated one accident.
SUNDAY — Officers issued six traffic warnings and responded to one alarm.
LEWIS HALL — Someone reported a verbal altercation.
EAGLE VILLAGE — Someone reported the theft of a bicycle. Also, an alcohol violation was reported.
SIGMA NU — A guitar and a laptop computer were stolen.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 25 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 17 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Friday — 19 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Saturday — 22 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Sunday — seven calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Friday — one call.
Georgia Southern University Police/Saturday — two calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Sunday — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Friday — 11 calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Saturday — six calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Sunday — five calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 12 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 11 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — five calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — three calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — four calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — two calls.
Claxton Police Department/Friday — two calls.
Claxton Police Department/Saturday — one call.
Claxton Police Department/Sunday — one call.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department/Friday — no calls.
Statesboro Fire Department/Saturday–one call.
Statesboro Fire Department/Sunday — one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Friday — six calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Saturday — one call.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Sunday — no calls.
Metter Fire Department/Friday — one call.
Metter Fire Department/Saturday — two calls.
Metter Fire Department/Sunday — one call.
Claxton Fire Department/Friday — one call.
Daisy Fire Department/Friday — one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS/Friday — two accident calls, a fire call and 21 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Saturday — one accident call and 19 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Sunday — two accident calls and 14 medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Friday — one accident call and five medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Saturday — eight medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Sunday — seven medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Friday — five medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Saturday — one medical call.
Evans County EMS/Sunday — five medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Friday — two calls to Bulloch Humane Enforcement; a call to Air Transport; six calls to Bulloch County First responders, a call to Georgia Forestry (Bulloch), and three miscellaneous calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Saturday: a call to Bulloch County Humane Enforcement, three calls to Bulloch County First Responders and two miscellaneous calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Sunday: four calls to Bulloch County First Responders, a call to the poison control center, a call to Emanuel County 911 and a call to Screven County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report - 5-15-12: A mounted deer head and pictures were reported stolen.