Amos Martin ConnellHodges-Moore Funeral Home Amos Martin Connell, age 88, passed away Thursday, March 22nd, at Ogeechee Area Hospice surrounded by his loving family. Mr. George Hansel "Hank" FielderJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory BULLOCH COUNTY -- Mr. George Hansel "Hank" Fielder, age 53, died on Monday, March 19, 2018, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Savannah, Ga. Ahmetta DeLoach HarvilleHodges-Moore Funeral Home Ahmetta DeLoach Harville, age 103, passed away Tuesday, March 20th, at Ogeechee Area Hospice surrounded by her loving family. To view the full obituary, click on this link:
March 23 - Amos Martin Connell, age 88, passed away Thursday, March 22nd, at Ogeechee Area Hospice s

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