Mr. Clifford Wayne BaumannJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Clifford Wayne Baumann, age 70, died Thursday at Ogeechee Area Hospice inpatient facility. Kaitlyn Nicole FischerJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Kaitlyn Nicole Fischer, age 24, died on Sunday morning under the care of Ogeechee Area Hospice inpatient facility following a short battle with cancer. Mrs. Joyce Lanell Nesmith PilzJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mrs. Joyce Lanell Nesmith Pilz, fondly known as Joy, has peacefully passed over the rainbow to enter heaven's gates after a courageous battle with cancer.
July 11 - Mr. Clifford Wayne Baumann, age 70, died Thursday at Ogeechee Area Hospice inpatient facil

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