Mr. Carnell Ivey Jr.Craig R. Tremble Funeral Home, Pembroke Chapel Mr. Carnell Ivey Jr., age 54, of Pembroke, Ga., passed peacefully away on Friday, February 20th, at his residence. Mrs. Eloise "KindStella" Sampson JonesHill's Mortuary STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mrs. Eloise "KindStella" Sampson Jones, age 95, passed into rest on Monday, February 23, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Center. Edith Bacon KirbyGreer-McElveen Funeral Home and Crematory Edith Bacon Kirby, age 76, of Hibriten Drive, Lenoir, North Carolina, died Wednesday, February 25, 2015, at Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care - Lenoir.
February 27 - Mr. Carnell Ivey Jr., age 54, of Pembroke, Ga., passed peacefully away on Friday, Febr

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