Mr. Jim Paul Forehand Sr.Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home STILSON, Ga. -- Mr. Jim Paul Forehand Sr., age 84, died on Friday, February 13, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility. Marc Daniel "Marcus" HodgesJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory PORTAL, Ga. -- Marc Daniel "Marcus" Hodges, age 23, died Thursday morning from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Mr. Joel Woodrow "Jake" StalcupJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Joel Woodrow "Jake" Stalcup, age 61, died on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility.
February 14 - Mr. Jim Paul Forehand Sr., age 84, died on Friday, February 13, 2015, at the Ogeechee

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