Statesboro Police arrested a man Friday they said is responsible for a series of intentionally-set fires on the north side of town.Statesboro Public Safety Director Wendell Turner said arson investigations by the Georgia Fire Marshal’s office resulted in the arrest of Rolf Baars Jr., 58, North Main Street, on several charges of arson.The Statesboro Police Department and Statesboro Fire Department assisted state fire marshal Dan Meallor in the search for a suspect in six arson-related fires in the area, he said.The first arson case occurred Feb. 22, when firefighters battled a structure fire on North College Street. A fire was set again in the same structure three days later, Turner said.Furniture outside a storage unit behind a convenience store on North Main Street was set ablaze April 19.About a week later, a house that was used for a business office on Preetorious Street was set on fire. That same building was set on fire again July 11, he said.Firefighters and police investigators suspected Baars in these arson cases, but did not have evidence for an arrest until after a barn fire Thursday on North Main Street, he said.
Local man charged with arson
Six fires linked to suspect; more possible

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