A Sandersville man was killed Monday morning in a single-vehicle logging truck accident near Sylvania.Daniel Abel Davis, 38, was driving a 2007 Mack truck rig with a loaded logging trailer southbound on Highway 301, near Goloid Church Road, around 11:44 a.m. when the accident occurred, according to Georgia State Patrol Post 21 reports.Davis’ truck left the roadway, traveling about 12 feet from the fog line off the road, and went about 190 feet before striking a metal sign post, reports state.He continued another 80 feet before striking a second metal sign post, then kept rolling about 60 feet further before his truck overturned onto its right side.Davis was not wearing a seatbelt and was partially ejected from the truck through the windshield.An emergency helicopter was summoned and began a flight to a Savannah hospital, but Davis died en route, and the helicopter was rerouted to East Georgia Regional Medical Center, where Davis was confirmed to be deceased, reports state.Witnesses stated that the roadway was blocked for a time while crews worked to clear the lanes of logs and remove the overturned 18-wheeler.
Driver killed in log truck accident

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