Georgia Southern University named recently a veteran entrepreneur to be a liaison to the business community locally and globally.
Curtis Woody, with experience in leadership, business management, marketing and public relations and a part-time instructor at Georgia Southern since 1991, was named the director of corporate higher education and workforce development.
"What impressed me most about Curtis Woody is his experience in so many different fields," said Dr. Tony Bretti, associate vice president of Georgia Southern's Division of Continuing Education.
One of Woody's primary responsibilities is traveling to meet with organizations and corporations and offer academic and nonacademic programs that are provided by Georgia Southern. He will serve as the liaison for workforce-development credit and non-credit programs.
"I am excited about the opportunity to provide our corporate partners with customized contract training and continuing education," Woody said. "Our goal is to make sure Georgia Southern University is the first option when it comes to management training. Having served as both employer and employee for over 30 years, I understand the importance of education and training assistance, and I hope to provide those critical resources through our new workforce development initiatives."
Woody received his graduate and undergraduate degrees from Georgia Southern after serving four years in the U.S. Army. He founded or owned six businesses and corporations, and worked in sales and marketing for several national companies.
GSU names director of corporate education
Curtis Woody brings 31 years of entrepreneurship, education, consulting

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