The president of the World Bridge Federation, Jose Damiani, and Pakistani bridge expert Zia Mahmood attended the last few days of the Peek Freans 14th Asia & Middle East Bridge Championships in Karachi, Pakistan, two months ago. Their journey was primarily to dedicate a new school built in the area devastated by earthquakes two years ago. They had raised the money, aided by donations from bridge players around the world.
They also competed in the AKD Transnational Teams Tournament, winning with teammates Munir Attaullah, Sunit Choksi, Rajesh Dalal and Salim Masood. They had an unusual gain on this deal.
After East opened two no-trump, West should have responded three clubs, trying to find a 4-4 heart fit, but he bid three spades, a transfer to clubs. Zia (North) threw in a lead-directing double. Then, after East completed the transfer, Damiani (South) bid four spades, which East doubled.
West led his singleton diamond. Declarer took the trick and played a trump, but East grabbed his ace and gave his partner a diamond ruff. East won the next two tricks with his heart ace and club ace to defeat the contract.
At the other table, Dalal surprisingly passed over two no-trump. (Four hearts is laydown. Three no-trump makes unless South leads a spade. And five clubs by East goes down on a black-suit start.) Two no-trump made with an overtrick after a diamond lead. Minus 100 and plus 150 gave the Damiani team two international match points en route to the title.
They also competed in the AKD Transnational Teams Tournament, winning with teammates Munir Attaullah, Sunit Choksi, Rajesh Dalal and Salim Masood. They had an unusual gain on this deal.
After East opened two no-trump, West should have responded three clubs, trying to find a 4-4 heart fit, but he bid three spades, a transfer to clubs. Zia (North) threw in a lead-directing double. Then, after East completed the transfer, Damiani (South) bid four spades, which East doubled.
West led his singleton diamond. Declarer took the trick and played a trump, but East grabbed his ace and gave his partner a diamond ruff. East won the next two tricks with his heart ace and club ace to defeat the contract.
At the other table, Dalal surprisingly passed over two no-trump. (Four hearts is laydown. Three no-trump makes unless South leads a spade. And five clubs by East goes down on a black-suit start.) Two no-trump made with an overtrick after a diamond lead. Minus 100 and plus 150 gave the Damiani team two international match points en route to the title.