Mark Twain said, "Civilization is a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities."
Bridge is a limitless multiplication of necessary necessities.
When you are faced with any uncomfortable situation at the bridge table, you must do what you must do. If you might pass or bid, when pass risks missing a lucrative contract and bidding risks suffering a large penalty, bite the fast-moving metal projectile and get into the auction. Maybe you're wearing a bullet-proof vest. If you see only one chance to defeat a contract, go for it, even if it risks conceding unnecessary overtricks.
In this deal, you are East, defending against three no-trump, looking at your hand and, after your partner leads the spade queen, the North hand as well. How would you plan the defense?
South's rebid of two no-trump invited game, showing some 10 to 12 points with at least one spade stopper (West's bid suit).
It is hero-or-goat time for you. If you caprinely win with the spade ace and return your remaining spade, establishing partner's suit, it will be too slow. Declarer has the spade king and at least eight minor-suit tricks ready to go, with the diamond finesse working if necessary.
The only chance for the defense lies in hearts. You should heroically win the first trick and shift to your heart jack, hoping partner has four strong hearts. It isn't likely, but it is better than nothing — and here the contract should die.
Always count declarer's tricks. When you can see he is ready to run for home, try anything!
Bridge is a limitless multiplication of necessary necessities.
When you are faced with any uncomfortable situation at the bridge table, you must do what you must do. If you might pass or bid, when pass risks missing a lucrative contract and bidding risks suffering a large penalty, bite the fast-moving metal projectile and get into the auction. Maybe you're wearing a bullet-proof vest. If you see only one chance to defeat a contract, go for it, even if it risks conceding unnecessary overtricks.
In this deal, you are East, defending against three no-trump, looking at your hand and, after your partner leads the spade queen, the North hand as well. How would you plan the defense?
South's rebid of two no-trump invited game, showing some 10 to 12 points with at least one spade stopper (West's bid suit).
It is hero-or-goat time for you. If you caprinely win with the spade ace and return your remaining spade, establishing partner's suit, it will be too slow. Declarer has the spade king and at least eight minor-suit tricks ready to go, with the diamond finesse working if necessary.
The only chance for the defense lies in hearts. You should heroically win the first trick and shift to your heart jack, hoping partner has four strong hearts. It isn't likely, but it is better than nothing — and here the contract should die.
Always count declarer's tricks. When you can see he is ready to run for home, try anything!