Chess genius Bobby Fischer said that when you believe you have found a good move, think some more because there might be a better one.
When you think you have found the best defense, stop to consider the alternatives. Maybe you will realize that something else is better.
In this deal, you are West, defending against three spades. You lead the heart ace: two, five, eight. What would you do next?
North's three-heart cue-bid showed spade support with at least game-invitational values. (A jump to three spades would have been pre-emptive, showing four spades but a weak hand.) South, with a minimum, signed off in three spades, which North passed.
You were tempted to bid four hearts, but it would have been a gamble and the vulnerability was unfavorable. (Note that you should go down two, being unable to reach dummy to take the club finesse.)
Partner, East, must have one heart or three hearts. With two, he would have started a high-low. If South had a singleton heart, he would surely have jumped to four spades. So, continue with the heart king. East discards the club two. What now?
You probably must take three hearts and two clubs to defeat three spades. But to get two clubs, you may need partner to lead the suit through declarer.
At trick three, lead your heart three, not the queen. East will ruff and surely shift to a club. If he does not, strangle him, then get a jury of bridge players.
When you think you have found the best defense, stop to consider the alternatives. Maybe you will realize that something else is better.
In this deal, you are West, defending against three spades. You lead the heart ace: two, five, eight. What would you do next?
North's three-heart cue-bid showed spade support with at least game-invitational values. (A jump to three spades would have been pre-emptive, showing four spades but a weak hand.) South, with a minimum, signed off in three spades, which North passed.
You were tempted to bid four hearts, but it would have been a gamble and the vulnerability was unfavorable. (Note that you should go down two, being unable to reach dummy to take the club finesse.)
Partner, East, must have one heart or three hearts. With two, he would have started a high-low. If South had a singleton heart, he would surely have jumped to four spades. So, continue with the heart king. East discards the club two. What now?
You probably must take three hearts and two clubs to defeat three spades. But to get two clubs, you may need partner to lead the suit through declarer.
At trick three, lead your heart three, not the queen. East will ruff and surely shift to a club. If he does not, strangle him, then get a jury of bridge players.