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Ask Dr. Gott 11/18
Irrigation prevents sinus infections
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DEAR DR. GOTT: Your letter from the gentleman about his sinus problems sounded very similar to my sinus problems.
    I have had sinus surgery and even taken allergy shots, two per week, for several years, and I was on constant medication. When I retired two years ago, I refused to drive to my allergist two times a week for shots, so I discontinued them and his medications.
    I read an article in our local paper that was written by one of our leading specialists here in Memphis about ongoing sinus infections. He wrote that he advised his patients to irrigate their sinuses with a "kettle" on a regular basis to avoid the buildup of infection in the sinus cavities. I went to my local Walgreens and inquired if they carried the "kettle" and purchased one. As I recall, the SinuCleanse pot and saline solution packets were about $16. I had often wondered why no one in my medical history had recommended irrigating the sinuses, but each time I had asked the various medical personnel about such a procedure, I was discouraged from doing that. Now I know why. Since I started the irrigation system, which I do at least once daily, I have had to go to the doctor for an infection on only one occasion. That is over a period of 26 months. I am convinced it works and have even bought the system for my friends who had ongoing infections and got them started on the procedure.
    When mucus starts to build up in the sinus cavities and it is not irrigated, it just becomes more clogged and the sinuses become more infected and swollen until the only answer is prolonged treatment with antibiotics. When I feel my nose start to run, I increase the irrigation to two times per day. The Memphis specialist recommended as many as three times per day when you were experiencing a problem.
    DEAR READER: You are absolutely correct. Nasal irrigation is an effective way of treating sinus infection without the need for antibiotics, which are not all that effective, anyway. Thanks for writing.  
  DEAR DR. GOTT: The soap is under the sheet,
Right by my feet.
When to others I related
How my leg cramps have abated,
There is something you should know,
They all think that I'm loco!
    DEAR READER: That says it all.
    DEAR DR. GOTT: I have noticed that men lose the hair on their legs as they get older. This seems to occur first in the ankle area and then continues in a progressive way all the way to the knee, until, quite often, a man's legs are completely devoid of hair.
    Dr. Gott, why does this happen? Is this a reflection of circulation problems or is it just a natural part of the aging process?
    DEAR READER: Changes in hair distribution are age-related and occur in both sexes. Men tend to bald, lose hair on their legs and notice that body hair is increased. Women, on the other hand, may experience an increase in facial hair and a loss of pubic hair.
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